Just Call Me Internet
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Text File
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42 Hendon Lane
N3 1TT
081-349 0063 (London)
031-552 0344 (Edinburgh)
email internet@demon.net
Last updated 30th May 1994.
The latest version of this document is available from
* Internet Connections
* Consultancy and Programming Services
* Modems, Serial Chips and Serial Cards
* Books
Please note that all prices exclude VAT. All products and services are
subject to VAT at the prevailing standard rate.
1. Internet Connections
2. Points of Presence (PoPs)
3. Standard Dialup
4. Mail Forwarding
5. Network Connections
6. Reserved Line
7. 14.4K Leased Line
8. 64K Leased Line
9. Other Internet Services
10. Software for your computer
11. Downloading software
12. Joining Info
13. Support
14. Consultancy and Programming Services
15. Modems, Serial Chips and Serial Boards
16. Books
1. Internet Connections
All services provide a true direct connection to the Internet,
multiple mailboxes and Usenet news. Your computer will need to
run PPP or SLIP - we have software available for most machines
and plenty of advice. The minimum subscription period is just
one month apart from the Mail Forwarding option which is an
annual contract. All payments are due in advance of using any
We have leased lines to the States (256K), our Points of
Presence (PoPs), other Internet providers in this country
inlcuding the JANET/JIPS Academic network, the Department of
Computing Imperial College (major ftp and archie site) as well
as to our leased line customers. We have a PoP in Central
London to provide cheap leased lines to the 071 dialling code
community. All our dial up modems are V.32bis 14,400bps and we
drive them at 38,400 baud. The minimum speed at which you may
connect is 2,400.
2. Points of Presence (PoPs)
We have the following PoPs: London, Warrington (local call from
Manchester and Liverpool), Edinburgh, Reading, Sunderland
(local from Durham and Newcastle), Leeds, Sheffield, Hull and
Bradford. Over 150 lines.
Birmingham and Cambridge PoPs and others are on order and will
follow soon.
Watch the demon.announce newsgroup for details or get
3. Standard Dialup
Your computer on the Internet with your own
Internet address. Use all of the standard Internet Protocols
such as file transfer (ftp) directly to and from your computer.
Run advanced searching and retrieval Clients such as gopher or
WWW - Mosaic. Multiple sessions - download/upload mail and
news, telnet and ftp etc. all at the same time. Full
read/write Usenet news feed - the world-wide conferencing
system with over 9,500 groups. Multiple mail addresses.
Examples: grahame@yourmc.demon.co.uk
Mail must only be processed on the computer connected to us and
not passed on to other computers for composing or reading.
Setup fee #12.50. Fixed price #10 per month. No on-line
charges or usage/volume charges for mail etc.
You have to pay your telephone service provider (BT or Mercury)
their normal charges. However, once you have connected to your
nearest Demon Point of Presence (PoP) you pay no extra - even
if you connect to international sites.
As a concession, payment for home users can be made monthly in
advance by Access or Visa credit cards. No VAT invoices or
receipts for monthly payments are issued for this type of
account. You may pay for an annual account by cash, cheque or
credit card and will receive a VAT invoice for this.
Companies are requested to pay annually in advance and will
receive a formal VAT invoice. Should you cancel your Annual
standard dial-up subscription, any whole months outstanding
will be refunded. This is calculated from the date of receipt
by us of a request in writing and is valid only during the
trading life of Demon Internet Ltd.. This does not apply to
any other services. All notification of cancellation of
accounts must be sent to us in writing or emailed to us. In
the latter case you can assume we have actioned your request
only on receipt of a reply.
Please note that we are not responsible for what users at any
of customers' hosts say or do.
4. Mail Forwarding
A supplementary annual charge to the Standard Dialup Service
allowing you to use your own domain (e.g. yourco.com) and
allowing mail to be forwarded around an internal network. #200
per annum.
5. Network Connections
Put your whole network, up to 253 computers, onto the Internet
via dial up reserved line, 14.4K leased line or 64K leased
line. All network connections include use of your own domain
name and thus are not subject to the Mail Forwarding charge.
If you already have your own Class C internet address we can
route to that or we will register one on your behalf. You may
connect to our nearest Point of Presence (PoP). We can
recommend and supply suitable routers and advise on software.
We will arrange the installation of leased lines on your
behalf, however all BT installation and line costs must be met
by you.
6. Reserved Line
A reserved V.32bis/V42bis modem and telephone line at your
nearest Point of Presence (PoP). At no extra cost you can take
the bi-directional option so that we can dial you when there is
incoming mail and/or ftp and telnet sessions - any BT rental
and line charges will be invoiced on. Setup #750. Monthly
charge #100.
*** Leased line options carry a 24 hour support contract ***
7. 14.4K Leased Line
A leased line with a V.32bis/V.42bis modem at each end - the
modem at your end is supplied on a free rental basis by us.
Setup #1,000. Monthly charge #200.
8. 64K Leased Line
A 64K leased line for maximum throughput. Setup #1,000.
Monthly charge #400.
**** SPECIAL OFFER **** Instead of this monthly charge, pay an
annual charge of #2,500. Offer closes 31st August 1994.
Please ask for our comprehensive leased line information pack
to be sent to you. A text version is also available from
ftp.demon.co.uk:/pub/doc/Llinfo.txt which we can also mail you.
9. Other Internet Services
POP3 - Post Office Protocol. Handy for the World traveller who
needs to receive his mail whereever he can get internet access.
#25 start up fee and #180 per annum.
Mail Rewriting - mail that comes to one account can be sent to
another mail account. This could be any mail address. Useful
for companies with multiple accounts wanting to have only one
domain and also for those people who want their mail
temporarily redirected. #50 per annum per demon account.
Unlimited number of mail rewrites allowed but on average only
one change to the details per month allowed.
World Wide Web - rent space on our server from #25 per 5mb per
month. Discounts for large space. Design and conversion
services also available. Please ask for details.
10. Software for your computer
We are providing a connection service and not software.
However we have a very good supply of software for a variety of
IBMPC/MSDOS - We have a set of public domain and shareware
software which has been and is actively developed. It consists
of communications (#10 shareware), offline news, offline mail,
a front end to hang it all together and documentation. You may
download this from our guest account when you join - see below.
You need a hard disk machine with about 3Mb of disk space and
about 500K of conventional DOS ram free.
IBMPC/MICROSOFT WINDOWS - The public domain software is still
not really suitable for the first time user. Log on using our
MSDOS software first and then join the newsgroup
demon.ip.winsock and try out the WINSOCK software.
Alternatively buy a commercial package such as NetManage
Chameleon which is #295 and is a true Windows DLL application.
Other applications such as Mosaic can be downloaded and simply
sit "on top" of Windows software and run.
APPLE MACINTOSH - You need MacTCP and various utilities.
MacTCP is a commercial product costing about US$60. The best
way is to buy Adam Engst's The Internet Starter Kit for the
Macinstosh from us. This excellent book comes with a disk
containing MacTCP as well as other utilities. With it, we
supply a disk containing documentation and extra utilities at
no extra charge. The book costs #27.98 and we ask #4 towards
postage. You need System 7 and 4Mb of RAM. If you already
have the book or MacTCP 2.0.2 or later we can supply our
installer disk - we charge #7.50 + vat for copying and sending
out a disk.
AMIGA - We have an comms, mail, news and some documentation
supplied with an installer script. Not as highly tuned as our
PC offering but still very powerful. A hard disk is virtually
Please ask for advice for your particular setup if not mentioned
11. Downloading software
When you join, you may download software using our "guest"
account with a standard communications package. You may use X,
Y or Z modem or even kermit. If you are unable to download you
can pop in to our Finchley office with a disk and we will copy
the software for you. If you would like us to send you the
software we will do so but make a small copying charge of #7.50
+ vat for this service.
12. Joining Info
We need to know:
Your Name (Full name please)
Company Name (if applicable)
Credit Card No & Expiry Date if paying by Access or Visa
Credit Card address (if different)
Monthly or Annual account?
Telephone No.
Machine name 1st choice ________.demon.co.uk 4 to 8 characters
Machine name 2nd choice ________.demon.co.uk 4 to 8 characters
OR Domain name _________________ for Mail forwarding/networks
(any length)
13. Support
Support for Internet customers is available as follows:
* email: internet@demon.net
* Newsgroups: demon.ip.support.*
* Telephone 081-343 3881
* Monday-Friday (not Bank holidays) 09:00-12:30, 14:00-21:00
* Saturdays 10:00 - 17:00
Emergencies only at all other times - this gets put through to
an answering machines with details of our pager service.
Please note that we cannot accept support queries by other
methods (fax, posted mail etc.).
14. Consultancy and Programming Services
We have considerable experience in communications as well as
producing high quality custom software, written in C, for a
wide range of applications. We can perform Internet
installations, configuration and training. Please contact us to
see if we can help.
Charges: #500 per day or #70 per hour including travelling.
15. Modems, Serial Chips and Serial Boards
We are dealers for the US Robotics/Miracom range of modems.
Please mail orders@demon.net for details or use anonymous ftp
from ftp.demon.co.uk:/pub/doc/modems
16. Books
We keep a number of Internet and UNIX books in stock. Please
email orders@demon.net for a list or use anonymous ftp from
ftp.demon.co.uk:/pub/doc/books. These include Ed Krol's The
Whole Internet.